Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bookish Musings

So, as I was sitting lazily around these past few days, I started thinking about some book-related stuff (shocking, I know). Anyways, just some stuff that crossed my mind:

The print in books being a color other than black. Once in a while, I see this happen - there's a specific color scheme on the cover and it carries on in the actual words in the book. I can't decide if I like this or not. Not a lot of examples come to mind, but the mains ones are: 

Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1) Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #2) Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3) 

The Wolves Of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater I think that the red and green print are kind of pretty (I haven't read Linger or Forever, but I've flipped through them), but the blue was just okay. 

Seasonal Reading. Every time summer rolls around, it seems like people are clamoring for sweet and fluffy "beach" reads. I can totally understand this practice, but for me, I never start reading lighter stuff in the hot season. But then, I like darker material in general, so. *shrug*

I love maps. No, not in real life. I'm the worst with directions, seriously. I could get lost inside a small building. I mean, maps inside books with fantasy worlds. They add to the atmosphere of the book, and I love being able to check back on it once in a while to see where the characters are. 

Absolutely beautiful . . . if you didn't immediately recognize where this world is from, let me immediately direct you to the amazing book, Shadow and Bone, friend.

The lack of patience I have with bad books. Okay, maybe "bad" is too strong a word. It just seems that ever since I started reading books to review them, I'm less inclined to give it much of a chance if it's not entertaining me after fifty pages or so. I used to be big on finishing something to matter what, but that's not the case anymore. Sometimes I just have to stop if something is that boring and/or offensive. 

Hmm...I meant this gif to go along with the lack of patience thing, but it gets creepier the longer you look at it.


  1. I found the colored text in the wolves of mercy falls series to be distracting to start with, but you kind of get use to it after a while.

    As for maps, I too love them! I agree it adds to the atmosphere and kind of puts things in perspective for the reader.

    Old follower. Hope you had a good weekend :)

    1. I know, I kind of started to like it later on! Thanks, I hope you do, too.

  2. Yes! I've never read a book with different colored print, but I LOVE maps as well and I've found that I'm way less patient when it comes to reading and reviewing now. I tend to grow more critical. Great post :)

    1. It's kind of sad, in a way. But in some ways, I think I'm still easily entertained. ;) Thanks.

  3. GAH. The different color print thing drives me wild! Seriously, I like plain black print, and so does everyone else that I know. And when a book is written entirely in italics? Ugh. I do like seasonal reading, though. Awesome post, girly! (:

    1. Italics are a little irritating just here and there. A whole book of them would be awful, lol. :)

  4. Wow. I must be totally out of it but I can't remember while reading Shiver there being different colored fonts. I guess I would say I don't care because I don't even notice them :P
    I'll usually read Harry Potter during the summer. I'll have a marathon and in a week I'll be done. Exhausted but done.
    You know people say they like maps in books all the time but I look at them and they don't help me at all. I can't visualize the places that way at all. It looks nice I guess.
    It's been the opposite with me and bad books because those bad books are usually given to me to review for like a blog tour. I make myself read it. Not anymore though. I'm pretty much done with that.
    Lovely blog. New follower (:

    1. Lol, I don't always notice stuff like that, either. I probably only did because I was thinking of different bookish things to mention. That's cool about Harry Potter! I'm reading the series for the first time - just bought the boxset, in the middle of the second book right now. I hope you read some really good books soon. :D


  5. Coloured print doesn't always work for me, Anna Dressed in Blood was in red print and it looked cool but after a while it did start to strain my eyes a bit. So I guess it depends on the colour.

    Haha we don't have seasons around here so really there's no difference :P

    YES MAPS! oh my goodness I was so excited when I saw there was a map in Shadow & Bone :3 Made me love it ten times more haha.

    1. I'm hoping there's another in Siege and Storm! Maybe of the country in the north or something? Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. Forever really disappointed me, but I generally like the idea of the print of the book written in a color other than black. Like how Anna Dressed in Blood is written in the color of blood. I think that was a clever touch.
    I don't really do "Seasonal Readings". I just read, all the time :)
    And I <3 maps in books too! :)

  7. Shiver was just an alright read to me; I haven't started the rest of the series yet. It's one of those things I hope to get to, but eventually. I've never understood seasonal reading, lol. Thanks for stopping by.
